Please select from the Frequently Asked Questions below
Select the "Create new account" link beneath the login box. Complete all required fields in the "new account" form and submit by selecting the "Create my new account"
button at the bottom of the screen.
So long as you have entered a correct MCHT or nhs.net email address, you will be sent an automatic email from "MCHT Learning Zone" to confirm your account. As these emails are computer generated, they can on occasions be viewed as spam. We therefore
always recommend that you double check your junk mail for possible new alerts. Select the link within the email (or copy and paste into your web browser) to activate your account.
You can now login to the site at any point, using the username and password you set up at registration.
The first thing to do is check your junk mailbox for a message from "MCHT Learning Zone" (subject: "MCHT Learning Zone: account confirmation"). Please also ensure that the email address you registered with is accurate. If you need
any further assistance, contact the "technical helpdesk".
If you forget your username or password, simply select the "forgotten your username or password?" link beneath the login box.
Here you can enter your "username" or "email" into the relevant fields and select "search". If you have entered an email address that is registered to the site, you will be sent an automatic email with instructions to
reset your login details.
Please ensure that you complete your password reset within 2 hours of receiving your email, otherwise the request would have timed out and you will need to submit another lost password or username request from the site.
If you continue to experience any issues with resetting your login details, please contact the MCHT support for further assistance: mailto:learningonline@mcht.nhs.uk
Simply locate your desired course from the MCHT Learning Zone homepage. On selecting the course, it will ask if you would like to be enrolled. Following enrolment, you will be able to access these course materials at any time.
Yes. The MCHT Learning Zone platform is fully responsive, so you can login and view resources on your smartphone or tablet. All of the available courses are also HTML5 compatible and therefore can be viewed on any device.
Once logged in, if you click on your name in the top right hand corner and select "Grades" from the dropdown list, this will show a list of the grades you have achieved on course assessments.
To view a certificate for a course you have completed, first login to the site, select the course you would like a certificate for and click on the "Certificate" link within the course menu. If you have achieved the required pass
grade, as stated in the assessment instructions, this will allow you to download a PDF of your certificate. This can then be printed or saved on your computer.
The feedback forms are not mandatory, however your comments are important to us. We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete the short questionnaires at the end of courses to support us with future development.